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Toroidal Core Production Equipment from 順祥機械工業
            Toroidal Core Production Equipment from 順祥機械工業
Toroidal Core Production Equipment from 順祥機械工業
| 首頁 | KT2000 | PDC600 | HEF 045/063 | 聯絡我們 | 索取資料 | 設定我的最愛 | 寫郵件 | 網站地圖 |

KT2000 High Speed Fully Automatic Core Winding Machine


  •  Low initial cost
  •  Ease of operation
  •  Integral welder
  •  High reliability
  •  Fast job change over
  •  High speed operation
  •  PLC system control
  •  Low operating costs
  •  Low tooling costs
  •  Low maintenance costs
  •  Includes the PDC600 Powered strip de-coiler [詳細資料 details]

The KT2000 is a high speed fully-automatic toroidal core winding machine which incorporates many advanced design features and which can produce up to 140 toroidal cores per hour.

The machine is automated through the use of a Mitsubishi Programmable Logic Controller and includes an integral Argon arc welder.

Manufactured in the UK from the highest quality components and materials, and through the application of an advanced design philosophy, very significant economies are provided in low running costs, high speed operation and low maintenance.

A unique operating combination of the winding system and the TIG welder allows the steel-strip to be joined during a 'core-wind'. This allows short lengths or previous wound cores to be reused, providing great economy in the cost of basic strip steel material.

Requiring only semiskilled operating techniques, the KT2000 allows 'job-changing' to be performed in only a few minutes, reducing down time, and providing great flexibility in being able to switch between high and low volume production runs of transformer cores.

A Wide Range Of Transformer Cores & Steel Qualities

The KT2000 will operate with a wide range of steel qualities, producing outside transformer core diameters ranging from 30 mm to 200 mm with a maximum strip width of 80 mm. The machine will strictly adhere to the core winding specifications as it is manufactured to highest engineering parameters activating advanced electronics in logic control sequences.

Integral Tig Welder

The integral welder is also under full automatic control of the PLC and is brought into operation at the beginning and end of the transformer core winding cycle. The unit is manufactured to the highest standards, produces minimal HF interference, uses high-purity Argon gas and requires only the minimum of maintenance. The welding plant is heavily screened, and has been selected to complement the associated engineering standards of the KT2000 to give the highest degree of reliability.

Transformer Core Production Speed & Precision

The KT2000 produces high quality wound transformer cores at high speed and ensures constant repetition of quality and specification.

The combined engineering advances in the way in which the strip is cut, shaped to lie flat and are welded ensures that high-speed production and quality is combined with trouble-free operation.

The speed and precision at which the transformer cores are formed centres on the way they are wound.

The beginning and end of the strip are automatically cut to form a 'V' with the spot-weld being placed at the 'point' of the 'V', both inside and outside of the core. This method only requires one spot-weld regardless of strip width and gives superb finish with no lifting at the edges.

Core Output

Note: Production output will be dependent on various factors, i.e.. The size of the main donor coil and the speed at which the new coils are loaded on to the de-coiler. However as typical guide outputs should be used as follows.

Outside Diameter
Cores per hour
50-80 mm
80-105 mm
105-135 mm
135-170 mm

Operator Control Panels

Fast and efficient setting of the KT2000 is carried out through the two control consoles. Each selected operation is plainly shown by the illumination of clear indicator lamps, enabling the operator to be in no doubt of the machines state. These consoles also feature a batch-counter, a pressure gauge showing strip tension, a counter for the strip cutter and a timer for the welder. The layout and order of the controls and indicators have been arranged so that new operators need only the minimum of time in machine familiarisation before quickly attaining high efficiency in production.

The PDC600 Powered Strip De-coiler

The PDC600 De-coiler comes as part of the KT2000 package.
[Full details]

Service Requirements


  •  380/415 3 phase 50Hz, plus neutral and earth (ground) rated at 20 amps per phase.
  •  PDC600 De-coiler, supplied with the KT2000 winding machine.


  •  Clean dry compressed air 120 psi (8 bar), volume 10 cfm.


  •  Welding gas, standard high purity (99.995%) argon gas (Ar).


KT2000 & PDC600
順祥機械工業 - Core Production Technology
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順祥機械工業 - Core Production Technology
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順祥機械工業 - Core Production Technology
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Control Cabinet
順祥機械工業 - Core Production Technology
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V-Cut Toroidal Cores
順祥機械工業 - Core Production Technology
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KT2000 Control Panel
順祥機械工業 - Core Production Technology
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CPT Ltd, reserve the right to change without notice the design, dimensions, weight and specification of any of it's equipment at any time.
Toroidal Core Production Equipment from 順祥機械工業
環形鐵芯製造設備 Toroidal Core Production Equipment
Toroidal Core Production Equipment from 順祥機械工業